On the Stone Porch


Here’s a list of Toad Hollow tumbled stones, rough, and crystals. Visit the stone porch at Anita’s Beads to choose your favorites. Now over 200 varieties available! Our list is a little out of date so expect some surprises.

African Bloodstone $2.
Amazonite, $3
Amazonite, Heart $5.
Amazonite, Russian $1.
Amber $3.
Amethyst $2.
Angelite $5.
Apache Tear $1.
Apatite, Green $3.
Apatite, Yellow XL $1.
Aquamarine $5.
Aquamarine, New Hampshire (Rough) $1.
Aragonite/Brown $3.
Aragonite/Yellow $2.
Aventurine .50 / $2.
Baltic Amber $2.
Black Onyx .50
Black Tourmaline (Rough) $1.
Bloodstone $1.
Bloodstone Sphere $4.
Blue Quartz $1.
Blue Aventurine .50
Blue Calcite (Rough) $5.
Blue Goldstone $1.
Blue Lace Agate $3. / .50
Blue Scapolite (Rough) $2.
Botswana Agate $3.
Brecciated Jasper .50
Bronzite $3.
Bumble Bee Jasper $6.
Carnelian $2.
Chalcopyrite $5.
Charoite $1.
Chevron Amethyst $2.
Chiastolite $5.
Chinese Writing Rock $1


Chrysocolla $8. / .50
Chrysocolla (Rough) $8.
Citrine $1.
Citrine XL, Light $2.
Citrine XL, Dark $1
Copal Amber (Rough) $3.
Copper $1.
Copper, Sculptured $5.
Coprolite, Opalized $1.
Cowrie Shell $2.
Crinoid Fossil Stone $2.
Dalmation Stone $2.
Dinosaur Bone (Rough) $6.
Dragon’s Blood Stone $1.
Dumortierite $1.
Elephant Jasper $2.
Epidote $2.
Eudyalite $12.
Falcons Eye $1.
Fire Agate (Rough) $4.
Fluorite $4. / .50
Fluorite Octohedron $1.
Fossil Algae $3.
Garnet $3.
Garnet (in Tube) $4.
Goldstone $3.
Green Calcite (Rough) $3.
Green Fluorite Octohedron $4.
Hematite $5. / .50
Herkimer Diamond $3.
Hiddenite $1.
Howlite .50
Iolite .50
Iolite (Rough) $1.
Jade $3.


Jet $1.
King Cobra Jasper $2.
Kunzite Crystal $6.
Kyanite $8.
Labradorite $4.
Laguna Agate (Rough) $3.
Lapis Lazuli $6. / $1.
Larimar (Rough) $1.
Lemon Chrysoprase $3.
Leopardskin Jasper $2. / .50
Lepidolite $1. / .50
Lepidolite, Africa $2.
Lepidolite (Rough) $5.
Magnetite $2.
Mahogany Obsidian .50
Mahogany Obsidian Sphere $4.
Malachite $4.
Marbled Jasper $1.
Mochi Marble $2.
Mookaite $2.
Moonstone $1. / .50
Moss Agate .50
Nephrite Jade $2.
Ocean Jasper $3.
Orange Calcite (Rough) $4.
Orange Millennium (Carnelian Nodule) .50
Peridot (in Tube) $4.
Petrified Wood $3.
Picasso Stone $4. / .50
Picture Jasper $2.
Pietersite $5.
Pink Botswana Agate $2.
Polychrome Jasper $4.
Prehnite $4.


Pumice (Rough) $1.
Pyrite (Rough) $5.
Quartz .50
Quartz Crystal $3.
Quartz Crystal, Chlorite $5.
Quartz Crystal, Jewelry Point $4.
Quartz Crystal, Notched $5.
Quartz Spheres, Assorted $5.
Rainbow Jasper $1.
Rainforest Jasper $1.
Red Calcite $3.
Red Jasper $1
Red Tiger Eye $3.
Redwood Opal $3.
Rhodochrosite $2.
Rhodonite .50
Rhodonite Marble .50
Rose Quartz $1.
Rose Quartz Heart $4.
Rose Quartz Sphere $4.
Rubellite (Pink Tourmaline) w/Lepidolite in Quartz $3.
Ruby/Kyanite (Rough) $4.
Ruby/Zoisite $4.
Rutilated Quartz $5.
Safari Jasper $3.
Scolicite $4.
Seftonite $2.
Selenite $3.
Selenite, Orange $4.
Serpentine $2.
Serpentine, Matte Finish $3.
Shungite $5.
Silicon $2.
Smoky Quartz $3.
Smoky Quartz Elestial Crystal $5.
Snowflake Obsidian (Rough) $4.
Sodalite $3. / .50
Stichtite (in Serpentine) $3.
Tektite $5.
Tiger Iron  $4. / .50
Tiger’s Eye $2.
Topaz .50
Tree Agate .50
Turitella Agate $2.
Turquoise $3. / $1.
Unakite $1.
Voegesite $3.
White Calcite $2.
Window Quartz $5.
Yellow Apatite Crystal $1.
Zebra Marble (Rough) $3.
Zebra Serpentine $3.

Anita can be reached by telephone at 603-522-6529. Visa and MasterCard accepted at Anita’s Beads.