Monthly Archives: January 2019

About Stones: “Super-Seven” Quartz


Astrological Sign: All
Chakra: All
Lore: Super Seven quartz is also known as “Sacred Seven” or “Melody Stone.” It is a synergistic healing combination of clear quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz, cacoxenite, goethite, lepidochrosite and rutile. Use it to gain access to higher consciousness when channeling. This combination of minerals promotes expansion, transformation and telepathy. It never needs cleansing.
Geology: Mined in Espirito Santo, Brazil.
Localities: Brazil

About Stones: Vanadinite


Astrological Sign: Virgo
Chakra: Crown
Lore: Vanadinite promotes and orderly life, helping us to define and pursue goals in a logical fashion. It is a good stone to promote thrift in spending. It allows for a deep state of meditation, clearing the crown chakra and providing for a deep peace within the soul.
Geology: Vanadinite is a secondary mineral found in the oxidation zones of lead deposits. It forms bright reddish-orange to brown crystals. An ore of vanadium, it is used in the production of dyes.
Localities: Arizona, Argentina, Mexico, Morocco

About Stones: Eudialyte


Astrological Sign: Virgo
Chakra: Heart
Lore: Stimulates both the Alpha and Beta states. Known as the “Stone of the Heart Land,” eudialyte represents unconditional spiritual love and brings inspiration and confidence. Work with eudialyte to discover your life path. Helps bring separation from anger, guilt, resentment and depression.
Geology: Eudyalite crystalizes in the form of massive microtabular crystals. The name is from the Greek word for “easy” as it readily dissolves in acid. Eudialyte was first described in 1819 by F. Stromeyer.
Localities: Canada; Kola Peninsula in Russia

About Stones: Safari Jasper


Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Chakra: Root; Sacral
Lore: Safari Jasper helps us to connect with our inner wisdom. It boosts self-confidence, helping to handle difficult problems in a calm manner. Use to diminish negative emotions and reduce the guilt associated with past mistakes.
Geology: Safari Jasper, also called Leopardite, is a variety of brown rhyolite which contains iron and manganese.
Localities: Peru

About Stones: Bumble Bee Jasper


Astrological Sign: Leo
Chakra: Sacral; Solar Plexus
Lore: Bumble Bee Jasper helps us to accept challenges in the form of life changes and to find new opportunities. It can increase self-esteem.
Geology: Bumble Bee Jasper forms as the result of volcanic activity. It is also known as “Eclipse Stone” and “Fumerole Jasper.” The yellow coloration is due to sulphur content. Also present are anhydrite, hematite and arsenic. Not recommended for children. Wash hands after contact with this stone.
Localities: Mt. Papandayan, West Java, Indonesia

New 8mm Stone Mala Beads


We have just re-stocked our selection of 8mm gemstone mala beads. They are strung in loops of 25 beads (approximately 8 inches) so they are perfect for bracelets. Three combined would make an elegant necklace. Above: African Turquoise; Amethyst; Angelite; Aventurine; Black Onyx (shiny or matte finish); Azurite/Malachite; Carnelian; Dalmation Stone; Dzi Agate.


Above: Fluorite; Howlite; Labradorite; Lava; Phosphosiderate; Rose Quartz; Sodalite; Tiger Eye; Turquoise Howlite (Dyed).

See them all close-up on the tumblr here and here.

Anita’s Books 50% Off


Today begins the third annual winter book sale at Anita’s Beads. Get 50% off all books and magazines in the gallery and in the tumbled stone room. The “half-off” bead books in the bead room get no further discount but if you buy two at “half off” you can choose a third one free.

The sale ends on Valentines Day, February 14th 2019.